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Worldox Web Mobile provides secure, remote access to your documents from anywhere, using a browser interface on your PC, laptop, or handheld device, and more. It actually provides three solutions in one product.
Access from any browser looks almost the same as the main Worldox program, including the same toolbar, work lists and tabs.
Access from handheld devices provides on-the-go access to your documents from anywhere via these supported mobile devices:
· Blackberry® smart-phones
· Apple iPhones®
· Palm Trio®
· Windows® CE PDAs and cell phones
· any other internet-ready smart-phones with Java support built-in.
Lastly, Worldox Web also provides the services of a client extranet! Set up file, group and feature security to control access, then email a url and password to clients. They log in and see only what you’ve given them access to. It’s that simple.
Let’s look at the features and the differences between the browser and handheld interfaces.
As already noted, the PC browser interface is basically like the desktop client, including favorites, the worklist tabs and bookmarks. You can access files via search and direct access to the client/matter folder. From the document list, you can preview, edit, and attach/email files from wherever you have internet access. You can also check out and check in, save versions and upload (profile) new documents.
If you choose to have Worldox function as a Client Portal, clients will access the system using the same PC browser interface but will only have access to the features you make available via security.
Smart Phones
What can you really do on the phone and how does it look?
You can use Quick Find (DocID), Favorites, Bookmarks, and Search by: Name & Comments, Date Range, and Full Text (Profile Fields will be included in a later release). Search Results show Document Name, Number, and Version.
You can set the Sort order (primary & second), and use Goto page to navigate through long lists. File List options can be modified to set the # of files per page, file type icons, and other details you want displayed on your list results. Selecting documents from the list displays the Profile Info. From the Profile info you can view and e-mail the document, or go back to the list. While viewing the document, you can scroll, use hotkeys - T(op) and B(ottom), e-mail the document, or go back to the list. You can not Check-out, Check-in, or Upload new documents (profiling) on the handheld.
For most people, the most important limitation of working with your files on your phone is obviously going to be the size of the screen and keyboard, which hampers any serious editing. Practically, this means you will mainly use it in this format for quick reference, and to forward to others while on the go.
This, in part, is what prompted World Software Corporation to develop its upcoming iPad App for Worldox which is anticipated to be launched at LegalTech New York 2011. The final feature set and pricing for the Worldox iPad App have not yet been released. However the app will encompass essential DMS features plus popular Worldox search features such as bookmarks and favorites files. For more details about the iPad App for Worldox, you can read the review of Worldox for the iPad, published on the TechnoLawyer website (sign up is free) and written By John Heckman.
World Software Corporation (founded in 1988) is an innovative leader in the Document Management Systems (DMS) category. With a law firm install base of 3500+ law firms, and installations in 37 countries, World Software's flagship product Worldox is the 5-time winner of Law Technology News' Gold award for Document Management and is the DMS of choice for law firms and legal departments. Evolution Legal Technology Solutions, LLC is a System Integrator for Worldox.